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Upload your images to


Follow these steps to upload your medical images:
1. Enter your email address or phone number
2. Click Send Authentication Code to receive an authentication code
With the Easy Uploader, you can quickly upload your images instead of using CDs, which can be slow, not secure, and can be damaged in the mail. Uploading your images is free to you.

To get started, we will send a verification to your secure email. The verification code will stay active for about 5 minutes. If you don't use it within 5 minutes, please request a new one.

Click on the \"upload\" button and select the image files you would like to upload from your desktop. When all image files have been selected, please proceed to upload. Once you see \"transfer\" you may close the window, no further action is needed.
Send Authentication code:
  To my email address
  To my phone via text message